Upload Videos to Striv
To upload videos go to the Striv Dashboard at striv.tv/upload, select your school and log in. Next, go to the Videos dropdown and click upload, and your page should look similar to the image below.
As described on the web page, from here, you can either click on the cloud icon or drag your file over the cloud icon to upload a file.
The upload process will take some time, so please be patient and do not close your browser window or navigate away from the page. Once the file is done uploading, you can click Publish Video, but please click the button only once as this process also takes time to process.
Due to processing, videos may take up to an hour to appear on your channel page.
This method supports files up to 5 GB in size.
For video files larger than 5 GB, please get in touch with Striv Support.
Manage Videos on Striv
To upload videos go to the Striv Dashboard at striv.tv/upload, select your school and log in. Next, go to the Videos dropdown and click manage, and your page should look similar to the image below.
List View
The list view pictured above will list all uploaded videos in reverse chronological order. At the very top to the immediate right of "Video Manager" is the number of videos. For example, in the image above, that number is 21.
Videos can be bulk deleted by selecting the checkbox to the left of the video and clicking the 'Delete' button at the top.
Videos can be edited by clicking the corresponding 'Edit' button, which will bring up a detailed view.
Detailed View
The title and description can be changed in the detailed view.
Cloud Recording (Silver & Gold Schools)
Cloud Recording is a feature in which live streams are automatically recorded by the streaming servers for later playback. This can help reduce the amount of System CPU used on your laptop. If the live stream has any internet-related issues, those issues will also appear in the recording.
For Bronze schools wanting this feature, please get in touch with us at sales@striv.tv.