How Do I Set Up The Striv Scoreboard and RCS App?

Step-by-Step Guides On Adding The Striv Scoreboard

Tip: If you are experiencing issues where you can't start the event or select the sport when loading the scoreboard, please flush (clear) your cache in your browser. This can be done under the setting menu in your browser.

Tip: If you would like to get all of the features that the RCS App has to offer, you must use the "Basic" scoreboard. This is the scoreboard for football that has the down & distance as well as the flag animation.

Setting Up Your Scoreboard Through The Dashboard

When it comes time in your setup process to add your Striv Scoreboard, you will need to navigate to your Striv Dashboard. On the home page, you will see a button that says scoreboard. Click on the button, which will take you directly to the Striv Scoreboard.

If you have already scheduled an event, it will be available to select in the dropdown menu. Otherwise, enter the information needed in the boxes below. If you want to learn more about scheduling events, check out this article.

Once all the information is entered correctly, if you are broadcasting an actual game, make sure to have a checkmark to the right of 'Broadcast Scores' at the bottom of the pop-up. If you are testing your scoreboard, then no checkmark is required. With that done, you can now click 'Start Your Event.'

Adding The Scoreboard To Wirecast

Head back to Wirecast and select the main shot layer you want your scoreboard to be in. Usually, this is the shot with your camera and soundboard. Then, in the 'Edit Window' in the Shot Layers tab, click the "+" button, select 'Network' and "Web Page", then click 'Add'. Now go back to your 'Striv Scoreboard' page, and in the top right corner of the page is a list of options and pop-outs. Click on 'Wirecast Overlay', and that will copy the URL needed to paste in Wirecast.

Navigate to Wirecast and the 'Circle with three dots' menu for the web page. Take that copied URL and paste it into the 'URL' section in the menu. Then go down to 'Width' and type in 1920 and in 'Height' in 1080. This will properly align your Striv Scoreboard. The last step is to ensure the box next to Transparent Background is checked, and you'll be good to go!

Tip: If you have multiple games (for example, JV and Varsity or Varsity Girls and Boys) in a stream, you will need to create a new scoreboard for each game.

Controlling the Scoreboard

With Remote Control App

If you are a Gold or Silver school, we offer a Remote Control App for the scoreboard. There are two ways to gain access to control the scoreboard. The first way is on the streaming computer to navigate back to where your scoreboard tab is open. Then, click on 'RCS App' and scan the code with an iPad or Tablet style device you want to use to control the scoreboard.

Another way to connect to the scoreboard remotely is to connect to another device through your Striv Dashboard. First, navigate to where you selected your scoreboard in the 'Scoreboard' menu. Then click on the icon that looks like an iPad, and you will be provided a QR code or a link to click, and you can get to the controls from there.

Scoreboard style by sport: Football-Basic, Basketball-Mark I, Volleyball-Basic or Mark I

Without Remote Control App

To control your Striv Scoreboard without the Remote App, there is a list of Hotkeys in the box of extra features. One-click will display the Hotkeys you need for the sport you are broadcasting. A scrolling Live Score updating ticker can also go beneath your scoreboard. If you want to display it, go to 'Stat Popout' and select the bottom line "Display Stat Scroller" this will allow you to show your viewers scores of other games that are being broadcasted. This is also why if you are broadcasting a game, it is preferred that you select 'Broadcast Scores' when starting your event for this stat scroller to have more scores on it.

You have successfully set up your scoreboard in Wirecast for all your viewers. However, don't forget to send those changes live within Wirecast by selecting the transition button under the Preview window. If you need help with something, please contact us at or fill out the form in your dashboard or on the home page of this knowledge base.